Meet the Allergens

The allergic reaction is the eye’s inflammatory response to normally harmless environmental substances, the allergens.3,18 Allergens are the substances that are capable of causing an allergic reaction.18 Many allergens such as dust or pollen are airborne particles.18

Allergens that cause most Ocular Allergies

Allergens belong to protein families. They are categorised as indoor, outdoor, plant/animal food, or injected allergens:19

  • Indoor: dust mites, animals, cockroaches, moulds
  • Outdoor: grass, tree and weed pollens, mould spores
  • Plant/animal food: fruits, vegetables, nuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, fish
  • Injected: insect venoms, some therapeutic proteins

Substances that come into contact with the skin are also causes of allergic reactions to the eyelids, identical to contact dermatitis.15 Eyelid allergies frequently cause rashes or swelling and inflammation of the skin around your eyes.14 Such allergens are preservatives, metals, nail polish and cosmetics and eye drops.14

Do I have ocular allergy?

Living with ocular allergy

Tips & resources

Patient stories

Allergy booklet


Do I have ocular allergy?

Tips & resources

Allergy booklet

Living with ocular allergy

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